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- #************************************************************************
- # Celestia Configuration File
- #
- # This file contains configuration data read by Celestia each time it
- # is run. Many of the items may be changed to suit your specific needs
- # or requirements. PLEASE make a backup copy of this file before you
- # make any changes to it.
- #
- # To learn more about Celestia, visit the Celestia forums at:
- # http://www.shatters.net/forum/
- # or the Celestia web site at: http://www.shatters.net/celestia/
- #************************************************************************
- Configuration
- {
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This section contains a list of data files that Celestia uses to load
- # information about stars, constellations and locations. DO NOT change
- # these file names or the order in which they are listed, unless you
- # know exactly what you are doing. Most of these files can be viewed
- # with a plain text editor. Discussion about their content and formats
- # can be found on the Celestia forums: http://www.shatters.net/forum/
- #
- # If you want to load all your stars from .stc files, you can now comment
- # out the StarDatabase entry.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- StarDatabase "data/stars.dat"
- StarNameDatabase "data/starnames.dat"
- StarCatalogCrossReferences [ "data/hdxref.dat" ]
- SolarSystemCatalogs [ "data/solarsys.ssc"
- "data/asteroids.ssc"
- "data/comets.ssc"
- "data/outersys.ssc"
- "data/spacecraft.ssc"
- "data/extrasolar.ssc"
- "data/solsys_locs.ssc"
- "data/world-capitals.ssc" ]
- DeepSkyCatalog "data/deepsky.dsc"
- AsterismsFile "data/asterisms.dat"
- BoundariesFile "data/boundaries.dat"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # User Interface files ...
- #
- # Despite their ".cel" file extension, these are not CEL scripts, but
- # rather data files that populate controls such as menus and dialog
- # boxes.
- #
- # FavoritesFile
- # -------------
- # This is where Bookmarks data are stored. The file does not exist until
- # you save a Bookmark from within Celestia. You can view this file with
- # a plain text editor and if you write CEL scripts, it contains some
- # useful information.
- #
- # DestinationFile
- # ---------------
- # This is the list of Destinations used in the Tour Guide dialog box,
- # accessed via the Navigation Menu. You can edit this file with a plain
- # text editor to add your own destinations to the dialog box. The order
- # in which the items are listed in the file is the order in which they
- # will be listed in the Tour Guide dialog.
- #
- # Cursor
- # ------
- # This parameter allows you to select from three cursors, but currently
- # only in the Windows version of Celestia ...
- # * White crosshair ("crosshair") --> default cursor
- # * Inverting crosshair ("inverting crosshair")
- # * Standard Windows arrow ("arrow")
- #
- # The inverting crosshair can be a better choice because it's more
- # visible on bright backgrounds. However, should you decide to try this
- # cursor, TEST IT CLOSELY. Not all graphics chipsets support an inverting
- # cursor, which will cause Windows to fall back to software emulation.
- # The emulated cursor interacts with OpenGL applications in unfortunate
- # ways, forcing a lot of extra redrawing and cutting by half the frame
- # rate on a GeForce2-equipped laptop. So, if you change this, check your
- # FPS rates to make sure you haven't kicked Windows into software
- # emulation mode.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FavoritesFile "favorites.cel"
- DestinationFile "guide.cel"
- Cursor "crosshair"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Included CEL script files.
- #
- # The following CEL script files are included in the basic Celestia
- # distribution. These script files may be viewed and edited with a
- # plain text editor. They may both be modified or replaced to suit your
- # specific needs.
- #
- # InitScript is the CEL script that is automatically run each time
- # Celestia is started. The default script (start.cel) travels to Io, one
- # of Jupiter's moons.
- #
- # DemoScript is the CEL script that is run when you press the "d" key
- # on your keyboard from within Celestia. The default script (demo.cel)
- # takes you on a short tour of some interesting places in our solar
- # system.
- #
- # To learn more about how to use and write CEL scripts and Lua scripts
- # in Celestia, please visit the Celestia Scripting forum at:
- # http://www.shatters.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=9
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- InitScript "start.cel"
- DemoScript "demo.cel"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The 'extras' directory is located under the celestia root directory
- # and is used for storing third-party add-ons to Celestia. To learn
- # more about Add-Ons for Celestia, visit the Celestia Add-Ons forum at:
- # http://www.shatters.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=6
- #
- # You may specify additional add-on directories by adding additional
- # entries, such as the following example shows:
- # ExtrasDirectories [ "extras" "myextras1" "myextras2" ]
- #
- # To specify absolute paths on windows, you either have to use "/" or
- # double backslashes to seperate path components. Example:
- # ExtrasDirectories [ "D:/celestia-extras" ]
- # or
- # ExtrasDirectories [ "D:\\celestia-extras" ]
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ExtrasDirectories [ "extras" ]
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Font definitions.
- #
- # The following entries define the fonts Celestia will use to display
- # text on the display screen. To view the list of fonts available with
- # your distribution of Celestia, look in the fonts directory located
- # under the Celestia root directory. The default fonts are UTF-8
- # compatible in order to display non-English characters.
- #
- # Font: Used to display all informational text.
- # Default: "sans12.txf"
- #
- # LabelFont: Used to display all label text (objects, locations, etc.).
- # Default "sans12.txf"
- #
- # TitleFont: Used to display object names, messages, and script text.
- # Default "sansbold20.txf"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Font "sans12.txf"
- LabelFont "sans12.txf"
- TitleFont "sansbold20.txf"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # LogoTexture defines the graphic file to be displayed when Celestia is
- # started. The default filename is "logo.png"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LogoTexture "logo.png"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # FaintestVisibleMagnitude defines the lowest magnitude at which a star
- # will be displayed in Celestia. This setting may be adjusted real-time
- # via the '[' and ']' keys in Celestia. The default value is 6.0.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FaintestVisibleMagnitude 6.0
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # RotateAcceleration defines the speed at which an object will be
- # rotated in Celestia, when using a keypress, such as the left and right
- # arrow keys. A higher value will rotate the object quicker, while a
- # lower value will cause a slower rotation. The default value is 120.0.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RotateAcceleration 120.0
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # MouseRotationSensitivity defines the speed at which an object will be
- # rotated in Celestia, when using the mouse -- press both mouse-buttons
- # or Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, and move the mouse left or right. A higher
- # value will rotate the object quicker, while a lower value will cause
- # a slower rotation. A value of 0.0 (zero) will disable this particluar
- # feature. The default value is 1.0.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MouseRotationSensitivity 1.0
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The following parameters are used in Lua (.celx) scripting.
- # ScriptScreenshotCount defines the maximum number of screen shots
- # to be taken. The default value is 0.
- #
- # ScriptScreenshotDirectory defines the directory where the screen
- # shots are to be stored. The default value is "".
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ScriptScreenshotCount 0
- ScriptScreenshotDirectory ""
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # CELX-scripts can request permission to perform dangerous operations,
- # such as reading, writing and deleting files or executing external
- # programs. If granted, a malicious script could use this to destroy
- # data or compromise system security.
- # The following parameter determines what Celestia does upon such
- # requests:
- # "ask": ask the user if he want's to allow access (default)
- # "allow": always allow such requests
- # "deny": always deny such requests
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ScriptSystemAccessPolicy "ask"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The following lines are render detail settings. Assigning higher
- # values will produce better quality images, but may cause some older
- # systems to run slower.
- #
- # OrbitPathSamplePoints defines how many sample points to use when
- # rendering orbit paths. The default value is 100.
- #
- # RingSystemSections defines ???
- # The default value is 100.
- #
- # ShadowTextureSize defines the size* of shadow texture to be used.
- # The default value is 256. Maximum useful value is 2048.
- #
- # EclipseTextureSize defines the size* of eclipse texture to be used.
- # The default value is 128. Maximum useful value is 1024.
- #
- # * The ShadowTextureSize and EclipseTextureSize values should both be
- # powers of two (128, 256, 512, etc.). Using larger values will
- # reduce the jagged edges of eclipse shadows and shadows on planet
- # rings, but it will decrease the amount of memory available for
- # planet textures.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- OrbitPathSamplePoints 100
- RingSystemSections 100
- ShadowTextureSize 256
- EclipseTextureSize 128
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set the level of multisample antialiasing. Not all 3D graphics
- # hardware supports antialiasing, though most newer graphics chipsets
- # do. Larger values will result in smoother edges with a cost in
- # rendering speed. 4 is a sensible setting for recent, higher-end
- # graphics hardware; 2 is probably better mid-range graphics. The
- # default value is 1, which disables antialiasing.
- # AntialiasingSamples 4
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The following line is commented out by default.
- #
- # Celestia enables and disables certain rendering features based on
- # the set of extensions supported by the installed OpenGL driver and 3D
- # graphics hardware. With IgnoreGLExtensions, you may specify a list of
- # extensions that Celestia will treat as unsupported. This is useful
- # primarily for the developers of Celestia.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # IgnoreGLExtensions [ "GL_ARB_vertex_program" ]
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The LabelledStars section defines which stars will have text labels
- # assigned to them, which are visible when this option is turned on.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LabelledStars
- [
- "Sol"
- "Sirius"
- "Canopus"
- "\u03b1 Centauri"
- "Arcturus"
- "Vega"
- "Capella"
- "Rigel"
- "Procyon"
- "Achernar"
- "Betelgeuse"
- "\u03b2 Centauri"
- "Altair"
- "Aldebaran"
- "Antares"
- "Spica"
- "Acrux"
- "Pollux"
- "Fomalhaut"
- "Deneb"
- "\u03b2 Crucis"
- "Regulus"
- "Adhara"
- "Castor"
- "\u03b3 Crucis"
- "Shaula"
- "Bellatrix"
- "Elnath"
- "Miaplacidus"
- "Alnilam"
- "Al Nair"
- "Alioth"
- "\u03b3 Velorum"
- "Dubhe"
- "Mirfak"
- "Wezen"
- "Alkaid"
- "\u03b5 Carinae"
- "\u03b2 Aurigae"
- "Polaris"
- ]
- }